
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Apple Pie Filling from Kat's Kitchen

Apple Pie in the oven makes a home smell like the holidays.  It's so easy to make and fun to eat.

I don't know which part I liked better, the crust or the apples. I have never been able to master crimping my crust just right, but it sure didn't hurt the taste any!!

You can never have too much Apple Pie Filling in the pantry.  It's great on a cold winter day and usually apples are very plentiful.  If you don't have an apple tree, check with your neighbors.  Most people are always willing to share apples.

This is my hubby's favorite. I have an apple peeler that cores and slices but we like ours a little thicker so I use it to peel and then slice by hand.

Yields 7 quarts
  • 24 cups of sliced apples
  • 5 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 1 1/2 cup of Clear Jel (I do not use corn starch when canning)
  • 5 cups of pure apple juice (I use my homemade juice but you can use bottled) You can use all water if you want, but I prefer using apple juice.
  • 3/4 cup of lemon juice (If apples aren't real tart, use 1 cup lemon juice)
  • 3 cups of water
  • 1 tbsp plus 1 tsp of Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of Allspice  (My family doesn't like a lot of nutmeg.  You can use nutmeg if you like it)

Peel and Slice your apples.  You can use fruit fresh or water with lemon juice added if you don't want them to turn brown.  You can use a mixture of apples or all the same kind.  I prefer Granny Smith but I had Golden Delicious and McIntosh.  I ended up using only the Golden Delicious.
Bring a pot of water to a boil and working in small batches add your apples and boil about 1 minute or until heated through. Using a slotted spoon, remove apples to a bowl and cover them.  Do this until all apples are done.

In a large stainless steel pot add your dry ingredients and mix together, then add your apple juice and water.  Using a wire whisk mix it all together.  Bring to a boil over medium high heat and cook until it starts getting thick and bubbly. Stir constantly to avoid sticking. Add your lemon juice and boil one more minute.
Now add your apples and just fold them into the mixture.  Don't mash them.

You are now ready to fill your jars.

Fill your jars about 2/3 full and remove the air bubbles by pressing down gently on your filling, add more apple filling and continue to press down to remove air bubbles until the jar is filled.  Leave a generous 1 inch head-space.
Apple Pie Filling swells some during processing so it's important to leave enough head-space.

Clean the rims of your jars using a paper towel dipped in white vinegar.

Place your lids and rings on jars and tighten down finger tight.

Process in a boiling water bath for 25 minutes.  Turn off heat and wait 5 minutes.

Remove jars from canner and leave on counter to cool for 24 hours.
Check your seals by pressing your thumbs in the center of the lid.
Remove rings from jars.  Wash and Store in a cool pantry.
Don't forget to label your jars.